- start with 1 gruntz; empty
- empty gruntz picks up club
- club gruntz kills enemy gruntz
- club gruntz picks up straw, suck 4 goo puddlez
- bake new gruntz, drop on gruntz pad
- empty gruntz steps on yellow switch
- both gruntz walk through yellow arrows
- both gruntz kill enemy gruntz; suck goo
- gruntz stands on green switch
- other gruntz walks across to '1' switch, stands on it
- first gruntz walks across
- use megaphone -- gauntletz
- give gauntletz to empty gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz walks left, breaks rockz, picks up coin, walks back to the right
- strawz gruntz stands on green switch on left
- gauntletz gruntz walks through pyramidz to first open space, breaks rock
- strawz gruntz stands on green switch on right
- gauntletz gruntz walks through pyramidz to blue teleport
- gauntletz gruntz walks through blue teleport, walks past warpstone, past second blue teleport
- gauntletz gruntz steps on '?' switch behind tree, to the left of the blue teleport
- rolling rock will be released, killing enemy gruntz near fort
- gauntletz gruntz picks up warpstone, walks through blue teleport
- warpstone gruntz stands on '1' switch
- strawz gruntz walks through pyramidz, picks up gauntletz
- walk both gruntz to pressure platez, stand on pressure platez
- gauntletz gruntz kills purple enemy gruntz, breaks rocks
- gauntletz gruntz kills pink enemy gruntz, breaks rocks, picks up coin
- gauntletz gruntz uses megaphone -- strawz
- give straw to gauntletz gruntz, suck 4 goo puddlez, bake new gruntz, drop on gruntz pad
- move strawz gruntz and warpstone gruntz to stand by the purple switchez
- move empty gruntz to stand on the land sticking out into the water, just above the purple pyramidz
- red warp will open in middle of purple switchez
- empty gruntz walks through red teleport, picks up warpletter, walks through red teleport
- step on/off blue switch until the bridge is raised
- straw gruntz picks up gokart
- empty gruntz crosses bridge, uses megaphone, gets gauntletz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks brown/red bricks
- warpstone gruntz walks left, brings warpstone to king
Survivors 3 Deaths 0 Toolz 6 Toyz 1 Powerups 0 Coins 2 Secretz 2
Cheatz for completing all 4 levelz: