- start with 2 gruntz; both empty
- empty gruntz picks up shovelz
- shovelz gruntz walks right to two holez, fills them in
- empty gruntz walks to where shovelz was originally located
- shovelz gruntz walks one space to the right of the two filled-in holez
- red teleport will open in front of the empty gruntz
- empty gruntz walks left, into red teleport, picks up coin, walks into red teleport
- empty gruntz walks down, stands on blue switch
- shovelz gruntz walks left and down, to cross bridge, stands on other blue switch
- empty gruntz crosses bridge
- empty gruntz and shovelz gruntz kill purple enemy gruntz
- shovelz gruntz stands on pressure plate
- shovelz gruntz walks to the right, and up, fills in 4 holez (no need to dig up other 4 holez; nothing there)
- shovelz gruntz kills purple enemy gruntz
- empty gruntz walks up, picks up gauntletz
- gauntletz gruntz walks down, breaks all rocks in area, picks up coin
- leave warpstone for now
- gauntletz gruntz steps on blue switch that was under rock
- gauntletz gruntz walks right to stand on shore next to warpletter
- shovelz gruntz walks down, crosses bridge to '?' switch; steps on '?' switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks right, picks up warpletter, walks left to get back on shore
- shovelz gruntz walks left, back across bridge
- gauntletz gruntz walks back to warpstone, picks up warpstone
- shovelz gruntz and warpstone gruntz walk up to pressure platez; stand on pressure platez
- shovelz gruntz walks right and down, digs holez; picks up coin
- shovelz gruntz walks down, kills purple enemy gruntz
- shovelz gruntz and warpstone gruntz walk down past rolling rock
- shovelz gruntz walks right, and steps on blue switch
- warpstone gruntz walks down, crosses bridge, brings warpstone to king
Survivors 2 Deaths 0 Toolz 2 Toyz 0 Powerups 0 Coins 3 Secretz 2