- start with 2 gruntz; both empty
- empty gruntz picks up gauntletz
- gauntletz gruntz walks right and down, past enemy rock gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz steps on yellow switch to kill enemy rock gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rockz
- empty gruntz walks right, picks up shovelz and coin
- shovelz gruntz walks down, fills in 4 holez
- shovelz gruntz and gauntletz gruntz walk down to edge of water
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rockz
- shovelz gruntz stands on green switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks across bridge, steps on blue switch
- shovelz gruntz crosses bridge
- shovelz gruntz and gauntletz gruntz step on pressure platez
- gauntletz gruntz walks left to '1' switch; stands on '1' switch to kill enemy rock gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz needs to be standing just above the single pine tree at bottom of screen, just below yellow arrows
- shovelz gruntz walks back across bridge to the area with spikes that was covered by rocks, and stands just below the two side-by-side spike squares
- red teleport will open by gauntletz gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz walks through red teleport, picks up coin, walks through red teleport
- shovelz gruntz walks back to stand by gauntletz gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz and shovelz gruntz walk through yellow arrows, kill enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz and shovelz gruntz walk to the left and up
- gauntletz gruntz breaks large rock
- shovelz gruntz picks up gokart
- shovelz/gokart gruntz digs hole underneath gokart to reveal '?' switch
- shovelz/gokart gruntz steps on '?' switch
- rock will roll down and flip green switch to open area to warpletter
- gauntletz gruntz picks up warpstone
- shovelz/gokart gruntz gives gokart to enemy gruntz
- shovelz gruntz walks to pick up warpletter
- warpstone gruntz walks down, brings warpstone to king
Survivors 2 Deaths 0 Toolz 2 Toyz 1 Powerups 0 Coins 2 Secretz 2