Escape from Monkey Island, Act I

The Melee Island Map


Home at last, but where is everybody?
After the opening animation, you learn that Elaine’s been declared dead, and that Guybrush has to stop the catapult, and that
he has to go to Lucre Island to contact Elaine’s lawyers.
Talk to the catapult operator, and you will find out that you need a restraining order to permanently stop him, or snacks to
stop him temporarily. You will also learn that he aims at the cactus next to the mansion when the catapult gets out of alignment.


Go into town and visit the International House of Mojo.
Pull the unusual finger to summon the Voodoo Priestess. Talk with her, and you will find out that to get the Lucre
Island, you need a ship, a crew, and a navigator.


Visit the Scumm Bar.
Talk with the Bartender.
He has snacks, but the pirate in the corner has the last bowl, and he can’t serve snacks without a bowl.


Walk to the back of the bar and look at the balloon.
Walk to the front of the bar, and talk with the Dart Players.
Keep talking to them, until you can ask them to hit different objects in the bar. Get them to hit the balloon. Walk to the back of the bar, and pick up the bowl of jerky pretzels.


Talk with the Crusty Old Sailor, Ignatius Cheese. He is a navigator and will join your crew if you win at Insult Arm
Wrestling. Wrestle him and win, and you have a navigator.
Here’s the insults and answers.
Go to the Harbor and pick up the popped inner tube.
Talk to the Harbor Mistress. She won’t give you a ship without the proper authority.
