- start with 3 gruntz
- 2 gruntz walk right, up, left to purple switchez
- empty gruntz walks to '1' switch, stands on it, picks up boxing gloves
- boxing glove gruntz kills four enemy gruntz
- empty gruntz walks between yellow arrowz, uses megaphone -- gauntletz, stands on '1' switch
- boxing glove gruntz walks past black pyramidz
- empty gruntz gets gauntletz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rocks
- gauntletz gruntz stand on '1' switch
- gaunltetz gruntz breaks rocks
- gauntletz gruntz stands on '1' switch to kill boomerang enemy gruntz
- empty gruntz stands on timer
- gauntletz gruntz goes through silver pyramidz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rockz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks bricks
- gauntletz gruntz stands on green switch
- get all three gruntz to the area above the silver pyramidz
- use megaphone --
- empty gruntz takes bombz
- bomber gruntz runs to rocks
- empty gruntz takes gauntletz
- gauntletz gruntz, boxing glove gruntz stand on pressure platez
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rockz
- use megaphone -- spy gear
- gauntletz gruntz breaks brickz to release empty gruntz
- boxing glove gruntz takes spy gear
- gauntletz gruntz and spy gruntz go thru maze; spy bricks before you break them
- gauntletz gruntz kills strawz gruntz
- strawz gruntz sucks goo
- spy gruntz and straw gruntz walk across, kill yellow enemy gruntz
- strawz gruntz sucks goo
- spy gruntz steps on blue switch
- spy gruntz and straw gruntz walk to stand on pressure platez
- empty gruntz stands on '?' switch
- spy gruntz and straw gruntz go thru green teleporter (be sure to move the first one out of the way before you teleport the second)
- straw gruntz goes to black tool thief gruntz, loses straw
- spy gruntz and empty gruntz kill black enemy gruntz
- empty gruntz takes straw, sucks goo, bake new gruntz
- spy gruntz and strawz gruntz step on green switchez
- empty gruntz takes gauntletz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks volcano
- gauntletz gruntz picks up coin
- spy gruntz spys bricks
- gauntletz gruntz breaks bricks
- gauntletz gruntz kills purple enemy gruntz
- strawz gruntz sucks goo
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rocks, leave warpstone for now
- spy gruntz spys bricks
- gauntletz gruntz breaks bricks
- gauntletz gruntz kills purple enemy gruntz
- strawz gruntz sucks goo
- spy gruntz spys bricks
- gauntletz gruntz breaks bricks
- gauntletz gruntz kills 4 enemy gruntz
- strawz gruntz sucks goo
- spy gruntz picks up gokart
- spy/gokart gruntz gives gokart to green enemy gruntz, he rides into lava
- straw gruntz walks up, picks up coin, then stands on edge of stairs
- spy gruntz walks into trees at lower right corner, just to the right of the fort; walk him down, then left, then up into non-visible blue teleporter
- spy gruntz will teleport to blue teleporter in upper right corner
- spy gruntz picks up coin
- spy gruntz walks around blue teleporter to arrow in upper right corner; red teleporter will open just to the left, near straw gruntz
- straw gruntz walks through red teleport, he will end up on far left side of game board
- straw gruntz picks up coin
- stranded empty gruntz steps on '?' switch
- straw gruntz walks to bridge to warpletter, picks up warpletter
- straw gruntz walks back through red teleport
- straw gruntz walks down, picks up warpstone
- spy gruntz walks through blue teleport
- warpstone gruntz takes warpstone to king
Survivors 3 Deaths 2 Toolz 7 Toyz 1 Powerups 0 Coins 3 Secretz 2
Cheatz for completing all 4 levelz: