- use megaphone -- gauntletz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rockz
- gauntletz gruntz kills purple enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rocks, uses megaphone -- straw
- strawz gruntz sucks goo
- strawz gruntz stands on blue switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks across, avoiding holez, stands on '1' switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks through green/red pyramidz, picks up 3 coins
- strawz gruntz stand by black pyramidz
- gauntletz gruntz stands on '1' switch
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rock, stands on yellow switch, rolling rock breaks
- strawz gruntz sucks goo, bake new gruntz
- get new gruntz through red/green switchez, give jack-in-the-box
- all three gruntz on pressure platez
- all three gruntz kill enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz walks down, breaks rock, picks up coin
- jack-in-the-box gruntz walks down, gives jack-in-the-box to purple enemy gruntz
- empty gruntz steps on '?' switch behind tree, picks up coin
- empty gruntz steps on blue switch, picks up shovelz
- shovelz gruntz filles holez by yellow switch
- shovelz gruntz stands on yellow switch, and kills 3 enemy grutnz
- strawz gruntz sucks goo, bakes new gruntz
- strawz gruntz and gauntletz gruntz go through yellow arrows, break rocks
- straw gruntz picks up toobz, goes in water to corner with '1', blue, green switch and gruntz pad
- toobz gruntz steps on green switch to release new gruntz
- toobz gruntz steps on blue switch, '1' switch
- toobz gruntz crosses
- toobz gruntz takes warpstone, steps on blue switch
- warpstone gruntz crosses over bridge/green pyramidz
- gauntletz gruntz crosses bridge, breaks rocks, picks up coin, kills purple enemy gruntz
- gruntz crosses bridge, picks up monster wheel
- all gruntz go to pressure platez
- monster wheel gruntz gives monster wheel to purple enemy gruntz to move him off switch
- warpstone gruntz walks across
- gauntletz gruntz picks up powerup, kills 2 green enemy gruntz
- warpstone gruntz walks over to fort area
- empty gruntz walk to square next to single volcano
- red warp opens, go though red warp to get letter
- gauntletz gruntz breaks bricks
- gauntletz gruntz picks up coin behind tree
- warpstone gruntz gives warpstone to king
Survivors 4 Deaths 0 Toolz 4 Toyz 2 Powerups 1 Coins 7 Secretz 2