- start with two gruntz
- empty gruntz steps on green switch, walks up, picks up gauntletz
- gauntletz gruntz kills green enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks cupcakez, steps on green switch
- empty gruntz walks out of green pyramidz
- gauntletz gruntz walks past green pyramidz
- gauntletz gruntz walks past candlez, kills 2 green enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks cupcakez
- gauntletz gruntz breaks brickz, walks around by 2 spongegun gruntz to other side of bridge
- gauntletz gruntz walks across bridge, picks up springz
- springz gruntz walks across bridge to lower level, walks across the holez/spikez
- springz gruntz walks across crumble bridge, steps on '1' switch and blue switch
- springz gruntz uses megaphone - shovelz
- springz gruntz walks past black pyramidz into middle of spikez
- springz gruntz enters blue teleporter - will end up back at the beginning
- springz gruntz has to go back to the area where the blue teleporter was, and stand on the bridge square that is located just to the right of the square where the blue
teleporter was located - this will open the red teleporter
- springz gruntz enters red teleporter, steps on red switch, enters red teleporter - will end up back at the beginning
- springz gruntz walks over holez to step on green and orange switchez
- give shovelz to empty gruntz
- shovelz gruntz fillz holez
- both gruntz walk past orange pyramidz, picks up coin, stand on pressure platez
- shovelz gruntz stands on green switch
- springz gruntz picks up freeze scroll
- springz gruntz walks down, closer to 3 enemy gruntz, uses freeze scroll
- springz gruntz kills out the 3 frozen enemy gruntz
- shovelz gruntz and springz gruntz kill green enemy grutnz
- springz gruntz walks over spikes - loses springz
- shovelz gruntz and empty gruntz kill green enemy gruntz
- shovelz gruntz stands on silver switch
- empty gruntz goes through silver pyramidz, picks up gauntletz, walks up through pyramidz to break cupcakez
- shovelz gruntz steps off/on silver timer switch
- gaunteltz gruntz waits for pyramidz to drop to allow him to return to area by shovelz gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz walks down and to the right, breaks cupcake to reveal '?' switch
- gauntletz gruntz steps on '?' switch, walks up to stairs that have appeared, picks up coin, enters green teleporter, will end up on other side of screen
- WAIT-a bridge will appear, on the right that will allow you to get to the green teleporter on the shore
- gauntletz gruntz enters green teleporter, will take you to the warpletter area
- gantletz gruntz walks around the blue teleporter, picks up warpletter, enters the green teleporter at the upper area - will end up back at the beginning
- shovelz gruntz steps on silver timer switch, enters and walks through silver pyramidz
- shovelz gruntz steps on green switch, enters green teleporter to go back to the beginning
- gauntletz gruntz walks left past green pyramidz, steps on orange switch
- shovelz gruntz walks left, fills holez
- gauntletz gruntz and shovelz gruntz walk to yellow arrows
- shovelz gruntz picks up spongegun
- spongegun gruntz shoots two clubz gruntz into air
- spongegun gruntz walks up to shoot and kill green enemy gruntz
- spongegun gruntz walks right to shoot and kill green enemy gruntz
- spongegun gruntz walks down stairs to shoot and kill helmet gruntz and spongegun gruntz and drop green pyramidz
- shovelz gruntz and spongegun gruntz walk to pressure platez
- spongegun gruntz shoots and kills purple enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz stands on blue switch
- spongegun gruntz shoots and kills purple enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz walks across cookie/candy bridge
- gauntletz gruntz stands on '1' switch, walks around warpstone
- gauntletz gruntz breaks cupcakez, steps on green switch
- gauntletz gruntz picks up warpstone
- warpstone gruntz walks through green teleporter
- warpstone gruntz steps on orange switch
- warpstone gruntz takes warpstone to king
Survivors 2 Deaths 0 Toolz 5 Toyz 1 Powerups 0 Coins 3 Secretz 2
Cheatz for completing all 4 levelz: