- start with 3 gruntz
- one gruntz picks up coin, picks up gauntletz
- all three gruntz crosses bridge, one gruntz picks up bomb
- gauntletz gruntz kills out green enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks brown brick in middle
- get gauntletz gruntz and empty gruntz out of the way
- bomb gruntz uses his bomb on the middle brick
- empty gruntz picks up straw, sucks goo
- straw gruntz walks toward black tool thief gruntz, loses straw
- gauntletz gruntz and empty gruntz kill black tool thief gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz and empty gruntz kill green enemy gruntz
- empty gruntz picks up straw, sucks goo
- bake a new gruntz, drop on gruntz pad
- gauntletz gruntz and straw gruntz stand on purple switchez
- empty gruntz stands on red switch
- empty gruntz picks up bomb
- bomb gruntz walks through rolling gumballs, and runs into bricks
- straw gruntz walks through yellow switches/gumballs
- straw gruntz enters green pyramidz, uses megaphone -- spy gear, stands on yellow switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks through yellow arrows, picks up coin
- straw gruntz steps off/on yellow switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks back
- take both gruntz back to red switch
- gauntletz gruntz stands on red switch, straw gruntz walks through
- gauntletz gruntz walks to the right side of the stairs, above the green pyramidz
- straw gruntz walks back to the square that is surrounded by spikes, red warp will open by gauntletz gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz goes through red warp, picks up coin, picks up speed powerup, runs through rolling gumballs (walk up and around the 5th one), picks up coin, walks through
red warp
- walk both gruntz back to green pyramidz area
- straw gruntz takes spy gear
- walk one gruntz through the green pyramidz, pick up coin, stand on '1' switch; wait, then walk to '1' switch, pick up jump rope; wait, then walk to '1' switch; wait, then
walk to '1' switch
- walk other gruntz through the green pyramidz
- give jump rope to swordz gruntz, stand on '1' switch
- gauntletz gruntz and spy gruntz stand on pressure platez
- spy gruntz spys bricks
- gauntletz gruntz breaks all brown brickz
- spy gruntz walks down to three yellow switchez, and stands on bottom one
- gauntletz gruntz starts through yellow arrowz, after passing first switched arrow, spy gruntz moves to top yellow switch, gauntletz gruntz gets out of arrowz, and stands on
yellow switch on right
- spy gruntz walks up, goes through yellow arrowz, after passing first switches arrow, gauntletz gruntz moves to yellow switch on left side, spy gruntz gets out of arrowz
- spy gruntz stands on silver timer switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks to square that is one square to the left of the lower right corner, after right corner square goes up/down, moves to right corner square; wait for
all but last pyramid in bottom row to go down, then walk left to stand in front of last pyramid, when it drops, exit the pyramidz, pick up warpletter
- spy gruntz stands on silver timer switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks diagonally to top of silver pyramidz, and exits the pyramidz
gauntletz gruntz and spy gruntz walk through candlez, and step on '1' switch on left
- gauntletz gruntz runs past the 3 spongegun gruntz and breaks cupcakes
- gauntletz gruntz walks behind the candy by the fort area to use the hidden megaphone -- shovelz
- spy gruntz walks to fort, spys all bricks
- give shovelz to spy gruntz
- shovelz gruntz digs/fills in holez, uncovers '?' switch by pool
- shovelz gruntz fills in holez by candelz
- gauntletz gruntz goes back to candelz area and breaks cupcake
- gauntletz gruntz goes back to fort, and breaks brown/red bricks, loses gauntletz
- empty gruntz needs to be standing near the edge of the water, leading to the toobz on the island
- spy gruntz steps on '?' switch
- empty gruntz walks to toobz, picks up toobz
- toobz gruntz enters water, exit water at lower part of pool, picks up coin behind gingerbread man
- toobz gruntz enters yellow arrows, picks up two coins, walks into blue teleport-watch out for green gruntz on your return
- one gruntz picks up the warpstone
- warpstone gruntz takes warpstone to king
Survivors 2 Deaths 2 Toolz 7 Toyz 1 Powerups 1 Coins 10 Secretz 2