High Rollerz Level 4

***This puzzle is a lot different than the others, because most of the time, there is an 8-ball which is rolling past switchez and you must move your gruntz based on where the ball is.

  • start with 1 gruntz
  • empty gruntz walks up and to the left behind the $ trees, to step on the hidden yellow switch (this switch will change the direction of the yellow arrow below the '?' switch)
  • empty gruntz walks out from behind trees, stands on yellow switch
  • this allows the 8-ball to roll over the '?' switch
  • empty gruntz walks to the right; the left-pointing arrows blocking off the next areas will disappear, walk past them, so that the gruntz is on the right side of the game map
    empty gruntz needs to pick up all four coins in this area
  • to activate red teleporter, gruntz needs to stand on the yellow arrow, second from the top, in the far right upper corner, without getting squished by the rolling ball
  • empty gruntz goes through red teleporter, walks down, steps on yellow switch, walks back up on a diagonal to let the ball roll by, then walk down, avoiding the balls, pick up the warpletter, enter the red teleporter
  • empty gruntz walks to the left, back to the beginning area
  • empty gruntz steps on hidden yellow switch again to release the 8-ball
  • **** 8-Ball is rolling, keep moving   ****
  • empty gruntz walks down, past the red pyramidz into maze
  • when the red pyramidz drop, empty gruntz walks past them to the middle safe spot
  • when the red pyramidz drop, empty gruntz walks to green switch
  • when the red pyramidz drop, empty gruntz walks to pick up coin, then walks back to green switch
  • stay on green switch until the rolling ball on the left passes the green pyramid
  • empty gruntz walks right to where the green pyramid was
  • when the red pyramidz drop, empty gruntz walks up to pick up gauntletz, then walks back to where the green pyramid was
  • when the red pyramidz drop, gauntletz gruntz walks up and to the right into blue teleporter
  • gauntletz gruntz will end up in area just above
  • **** 8-Ball is trapped, take a breather.....  ****
  • gauntletz gruntz breaks dice
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on yellow switch, then silver switch
  • **** 8-Ball is rolling, keep moving.....  ****
  • gauntletz gruntz walks to the right, when green pyramidz drop, pick up springz
  • springz gruntz springz across, picks up straw, sucks goo, bake new gruntz
  • straw gruntz steps on orange switch to drop pyramidz to release new gruntz
  • straw gruntz stands on yellow switch to keep 8-ball from going into hole
  • both gruntz walks to green pyramidz below purple switchez
  • when green pyramidz drop, move both to stand on purple switchez - avoid spotlites
  • ***  8-Ball is gone, take a breather.....  ****
  • empty gruntz walks down to trapdoor area
  • empty gruntz walks through trapdoor area to warpstone
  • if the black pyramidz surrounding the fort are down, DO NOT step on the '1' switch;  if they are up, step on the '1' switch
  • warpstone gruntz walks back through trapdoors
  • warpstone gruntz takes warpstone to king

Survivors  2
Deaths 0
Toolz  3
Toyz 0
Powerups 0
Coins  6
Secretz  2

Cheatz for completing all 4 levelz:


GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz

Copyright © 1999 - 2003
Last modified: May 31, 2005

Email: pattycakes