- start with 2 gruntz, each picks up a swordz
- both gruntz walk down and kill the two green enemy gruntz
- one gruntz steps on green switch, other gruntz enters the green pyramidz
- gruntz steps on '1' switch
- both gruntz walk back to beginning area
- both gruntz walk to the right, kill the two purple enemy gruntz
- both gruntz walk (carefully) through the rolling 8-balls
- one gruntz steps on the silver timer switch, then steps on the top green switch
- other gruntz starts walking through pyramidz
- gruntz on green switch moves to middle, then bottom green switchez
- other gruntz gets through the pyramidz, steps on silver timer switch
- both gruntz kill purple enemy gruntz
- one gruntz steps on '1' switch
- one gruntz steps on pressure plate - he is now stranded
- other gruntz enters the yellow arrows and rolling 8-balls
- swordz gruntz enters middle, walks through to step on '1' switch and yellow switch
- swordz gruntz steps on green switch to release new gruntz
- both gruntz exit middle
- swordz gruntz kills enemy boomerang gruntz
- both gruntz exit maze
- empty gruntz picks up springz, springz to '1' switch
- all black pyramidz should now be down
- swordz gruntz getz two red bomb gruntz to blow themselves up
- springz gruntz enters holez/spikez area, uses megaphone -- shovelz
- give shovelz to swordz gruntz, he fillz holez
- both gruntz walk to pressure platez
- shovelz gruntz kills red enemy timebomb gruntz
- shovelz gruntz digs holez, picks up coin
- both gruntz walk up, kill red enemy timebomb gruntz
- be sure to have shovelz gruntz fill the hole in the upper right between the two $ trees
- one gruntz uses megaphone -- gauntletz
- give the gauntletz to the springz gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks dice, picks up two coins
- leave the shovelz gruntz in the upper right corner of the game area
- gauntletz gruntz re-enters the yellow arrow maze, and breaks dice to pick up four coins
- gauntletz gruntz steps on red switch, exits maze, goes to lower area with '?' switch
- gauntletz gruntz steps on '?' switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks diagonally to two coins/warp area
- gauntletz gruntz walk to just below yellow arrows; left-most one will change direction; walk up, pick up warpletter; walk down, pick up coin; walk around warp to pick
up other coin; walk into teleporter
- gauntletz gruntz will end up in upper right corner
- shovelz gruntz picks up toobz, enters water, goes to island, steps on blue switch
- gauntletz gruntz walks across bridge to fort, breaks dice, breaks bricks
leave the warpstone for now
- gauntletz gruntz stands just to the right of the warpstone
- toobz gruntz exits the water, moves to stand on the filled-in hole in the upper right between the two $ trees
- red warp will open by gauntletz gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz enters red teleporter, picks up one coin, walk diagonally, picks up other coin, enters red teleporter, will end up back where he started
- gauntletz gruntz picks up warpstone
- warpstone gruntz takes warpstone to king
Survivors 3 Deaths 0 Toolz 6 Toyz 0 Powerups 0 Coins 11 Secretz 2