
Try to exit the waiting room, but April can’t. Try to enter the women’s toilet, it is locked. Enter the men’s toilet.
Look at the dispenser on the wall, it dispenses “Instant Heat - The Number One Source of Manly Vigor”. Use the credit card on the dispenser to get some pills. Look at the wall beside the garbage can, and move the garbage can. Use the coin to unscrew the grill to the duct. Remove the grill and enter the duct.


Look at the panel on the left. Click on Service Duct #1 - corridor. April will crawl into a new tunnel.
Look at the security camera and remove the cable.


Look inside the security room. There is a security panel on the left wall, that controls the guard rotation in the Cell, Airlock, Cargo, and Rest Area.
When the guard comes, jump quickly into the duct. Look at the service panel again. This time choose Service Duct #2 - guard room


Put the pills in the coffee jug. The guard comes back and April is caught and returned to the waiting room. Return through the men’s toilet to the guard’s room.
April watches the guard drinking the drugged coffee.
The guard leaves to visit Madam Joy’s Pleasure Suites on the Promenade.
Enter the guard room. Look at the computer in the corner and search for the Guardian’s cell. Adrian the Twelfth Guardian is inside cell number 5.
Take the magnetic key from the coat.
Look at the security screen and study the guard postings. Click the red light that marks the guard of the cellblock. Choose the alternative, go off-duty. He agrees.


Go to the cellblock via the Far Corridor. Outside cell 5 there is a panel. Move the cover and use the key on the panel.
The door opens and April meets Adrian the Twelfth Guardian.
Save your game. (sometimes Adrian gets in the way, April gets stuck and you need to restart a saved game).
Enter the guard room and look at the security screen. Click on the restroom and tell the guard to take up his posting again. When the restroom lamp is green, click on the airlock guard and tell him to go off-duty.


Go towards the cellblock and take the right exit to the Airlock. Look around to find a panel with a red button, and push it. April now has access to the pod. Look at the pod, it also has a panel with a red button. The pod is missing an oxygen filter.
To get an oxygen filter, April needs to go to the Cargo area. Go back to the guard room. Order the guard in the restroom to take up duty. Order the guard in the Cargo area to take a rest.
Exit the room and take the exit marked Left Corridor to reach the Cargo area.


Enter the Cargo area. Go to the computer on the back wall, and take it. The filter is in a box marked L-10-9. Click on different boxes until you find the box, it is among the “Even More Boxes”, in the far back of the room.
Go back to the guard room. Order the guard in the restroom to take up duty. Order the guard at the Airlock to take a rest.
Return to the Airlock. Use the oxygen filter on the pod to repair it. Push the yellow button to activate it.


April travels through space to the Guardian’s Realm.


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