Honey, I Shrunk the Gruntz Level 3

  • start with two gruntz
  • empty gruntz walks through the blue teleporter
  • empty gruntz gets the bomb gruntz to break the sugar cubes in the lower right and the bricks in the upper left; you will find two coins and toobz
  • empty gruntz picks up toobz
  • toobz gruntz stands on pressure plate, enters water, uses megaphone - pogostick, waits by black pyramidz
  • empty gruntz enters blue teleporter, picks up timebombz
  • timebombz gruntz sets bombz, steps on '1' switch, uses megaphone - gokart
  • timebombz gruntz steps on yellow switch to release olive to flip red switch, use timebombz to break sugar cubez, picks up swordz, goes to pressure plate
  • give pogostick to toobz gruntz
  • toobz/pogostick gruntz walks past dropped black pyramidz, and gives pogostick to enemy gruntz
  • give gokart to toobz gruntz
  • toobz/gokart gruntz givez gokart to enemy gruntz
  • toobz gruntz picks up gauntletz
  • gauntletz gruntz walks to area by pressure platez, steps on blue switch
  • swordz gruntz takes powerup, walks across bridge, killing 4 purple enemy gruntz
  • both gruntz stand on pressure platez
  • swordz gruntz walks down, kills purple enemy gruntz
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on green switch
  • swordz gruntz enters green teleport
  • swordz gruntz kills purple enemy gruntz
  • gauntletz gruntz enters green teleport
  • both gruntz stand on pressure platez
  • swordz gruntz walks through slime area, picks up spongegun
  • spongegun gruntz shoots enemy helmet gruntz to move him, to drop the pyramidz
  • the upper left square drops the pyramidz on the left
  • the upper right square drops the green pyramidz near the black pyramidz
  • the lower left square drops the green pyramidz by the black pyramidz
  • the lower right square drops the the pyramidz on the right
  • gauntletz gruntz walks through the slime area, goes to the right, pass the dropped green and black pyramidz, and breaks the sugar cubes
  • both gruntz stand on pressure platez
  • gauntletz gruntz walks past the rolling olives and breaks the sugar cubez
  • gauntletz gruntz walks to the left, breaks the sugar cubez by the orange switchez
    swordz gruntz picks up wingz by rolling olives, walks to the left, and up to the edge of the grill, below the island with red pyramidz and a '1' switch
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on red switch
  • wingz gruntz flies to '1' switch, the flies down to dropped black pyramidz, enters green teleport, and will end up in the middle of the orange pyramidz
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on lower left orange switch to drop orange pyramidz square
  • wingz gruntz exits the center of the square
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on lower right orange switch
  • wingz gruntz picks up wingz
  • gauntletz grunt steps on upper right orange switch
  • wingz gruntz shoots tornadoez at purple enemy gruntz to kill him
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on upper left orange switch
  • wingz gruntz shootz tornadoez at blue enemy gruntz to kill him
  • wingz gruntz stands on pressure platez
  • wingz gruntz walks to edge of grill, flies to blue switch, walks to fort, steps on '1' switch to drop the black pyramidz by the wingz in the section above
  • wingz gruntz flies up, across bacon strips to yellow arrowz, walks through arrows and rolling olivez, picks up wingz
  • do not fly, but walk, to the left and up, to the edge of the grill below the dropped red pyramidz (you need to save all your wingz power for later)
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on red switch
  • wingz gruntz flies to red pyramidz platform, then walk to the right edge, and fly to the small platform to the right
  • the red teleport will open
  • wingz gruntz flies directly to the right, then walks down and into the red teleport
  • wingz gruntz picks up new wingz, walks to the blue teleport-fly only if you absolutely have to;  will end up in the area with lots of holez and arrowz, with the coin, warpletter, wingz, and red teleport
  • wingz gruntz fliez to the yellow arrowz, picks up wingz, warpletter, coin, enters red teleport
  • wingz gruntz walks to green teleport;  will end up in orange pyramidz
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on lower left orange switch to drop orange pyramidz square
  • wingz gruntz exits the center of the square
  • gauntletz grunt steps on upper right orange switch
  • wingz gruntz walks past dropped orange pyramidz
  • gauntletz gruntz steps on upper left orange switch
  • wingz gruntz walks past dropped orange pyramidz
  • wingz gruntz stands at edge of grill across from frying egg; the '?' switch is located underneath the frying egg; you can just barely see the corner of it
  • wingz gruntz fliez to stand on '?' switch, immediately flies back to enter area with 4 coins, picks up 4 coins, then enters green teleport
  • wingz gruntz fliez to blue switch, steps off/on to raise blue bridge
  • wingz gruntz walks up to get warpstone
  • warpstone gruntz brings warpstone to king

Survivors  2
Deaths 0
Toolz  10
Toyz 2
Powerups 1
Coins  7
Secretz  2

GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz

Copyright © 1999 - 2003
Last modified: May 31, 2005

Email: pattycakes