- start with one gruntz
- empty gruntz picks up timebombz, walks to island, blows up rocks, and uses megaphone -- gauntletz
- timebombz gruntz goes back and picks up coin behind danger sign
- timebombz gruntz blows up all rocks to get warpletter
- timebombz gruntz walks through red pyramidz
- give gauntletz to timebombz gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz walks to island, kill enemy gruntz and break rocks
- gauntletz gruntz breaks bricks and kills enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz walks to release new gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz uses megaphone -- springz
- gauntletz gruntz goes back to water, breaks rocks
- gauntletz gruntz goes to danger sign, breaks rock, picks up coin
- gauntletz gruntz stands near the rolling golf ball
- give springz to empty gruntz
- springz gruntz springz to the blue switch and back
- gauntletz gruntz walks across bridge, uses megaphone -- squeak toy
- both gruntz stand on the pressure platez
- gauntletz gruntz walks left and breaks rock, picks up coin, then breaks the other rocks
- springz gruntz springz onto the green switch beneath the thundercloud while gauntletz gruntzs walks over yellow arrow
- gauntletz gruntz breaks all the rocks
- both gruntz walk across quicksand, kill two enemy gruntz
- give shovelz to springz gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz breaks rocks, will find the '?' switch
- shovel gruntz hits the '?' switch
- gauntletz gruntz uses the moving bridge to cross the quicksand
- Hit one of the small rocks and all rockz will be blown up
- pick up coins
- walk back over the breakable bridge, and breaks rocks, pick up coin
- shovelz gruntz fills holez
- both gruntz stand on pressure platez
- gaunteltz gruntz walks up, kills enemy gruntz by getting him to walk on arrow, kill all enemy gruntz
- gauntletz gruntz steps on lower orange switch
- shovelz gruntz fills in holez around arrow to blow enemy gruntz up
- shovelz gruntz steps on '1' switchez, waits near orange pyramidz
- gauntletz gruntz steps on upper orange switch, and walks to rolling golf ball, breaks rocks
- gauntletz gruntz walks through the rolling golf balls
- gauntletz gruntz avoids rocks and golf balls and breaks center rock to use megaphone -- strawz
- gauntletz gruntz walks to pressure platez
- give strawz to gauntletz gruntz
- strawz gruntz walks up, steps on green switch to release ball
- strawz gruntz picks up reactive powerup, kills two enemy gruntz, sucks goo, bake new gruntz
- strawz gruntz steps on yellow arrow, and steps on green switch before bridge goes up
- rolling ball flips '1' switch
- strawz gruntz enters green teleport
- drop new gruntz on pad
- empty gruntz enters green teleport
shovelz gruntz steps on blue switch near water, walks to island, and stands on green switch
- empty gruntz steps on arrows and steps on blue switch
- shovelz gruntz walks across bridge to join others
- shovelz gruntz fills holez
- shovelz gruntz and strawz gruntz stand on purple switchez
- empty gruntz picks up warpstone, walks back and up
- shovelz gruntz fills holez to trigger red teleport
- get strawz gruntz near the red warp
- shovel gruntz triggers the red warp
- straw gruntz enters red warp, picks up spring and coins
- remember to save the shovelz gruntz
- all three gruntz walk up
- get enemy gauntletz gruntz to break the rock that is pointed at by the arrow
- strawz gruntz and shovelz gruntz kill enemy gruntz, pick up coin
- strawz gruntz and warpstone gruntz walk towards fort
- give squeak toy to strawz gruntz
- strawz/squeak toy gruntz gives squeak toy to enemy gruntz
- warpstone gruntz brings warpstone to king
Survivors 0 Deaths 0 Toolz 0 Toyz 0 Powerups 0 Coins 0 Secretz 0